Page 9 - Erasmus_2017_2020
P. 9
Five partner schools from Latvia, Italy, Poland, Romania and Turkey
established a strategic partnership for schools because all partner schools
have at least 15 % of poor opportunity students who are in danger of
social exclusion and each school has some practices used in the local
platform but not enough to provide a solution to the existing problems.
Therefore we decided to work on exchange of good practices, methods
and techniques among partners and to integrate and improve the
conditions of students who have disadvantageous on different areas. We
also aim to make the low opportunity and disadvantageous students to
feel more confident included in peer groups and society, happy, satisfied,
and ambitious to continue to they’re both high school and university
education with the creative project group activities such as puppet theatre,
model making, rhythm groups, seminars, conferences, games and social
responsibility activities
The Riga Pardaugava School project team consists of 6 members:
1 project manager,
2 teachers-researchers,
1 IT specialist,
2 speech therapists,
3 physical therapists (all fully employed members of the school
They are experts in education, ITC, financial management, data
management. They all have experience in European projects, which they
have acquired within previous projects implemented in our school.
All in all we believe that our school needs this project to incorporate
better European qualities in all aspects of our lives. We strongly believe
that by these project students and teachers will be much more motivated
to learn foreign languages and increase their knowledge about other