Page 14 - Erasmus_2017_2020
P. 14
Here are a few instructional strategies and activities to use with gifted
1. Design your lessons with Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind. For gifted
students, construct activities from the two upper levels: creating and
evaluating. For example, activities could include conducting an
experiment, designing a game or musical composition or writing an
editorial about a current events topic.
2. Assign independent projects. When your gifted students finish class
assignments early, allow them to work on special projects. Assign
topics that are of special interest to your students and have them
explore the topic in depth.
3. Ask intellectually stimulating questions. When constructing your
lesson plan, write questions that are open-ended and require more
thoughtful responses.
4. Find mentors. Gifted students need guides just like other students.
Find an adult who can help your student explore a subject of interest
more deeply. This mentor can serve as an advisor, counselor and role
model to the student. Ask other teachers and parents for
recommendations or contact a local organization.
5. Organize cluster groups. Research shows gifted students of the
same grade benefit from being grouped together. As a way to
combine resources, teachers can shift gifted students from different
classrooms into one group to learn about a specific topic in more
depth. This method works best with teachers who are specially
trained to work with gifted students and have minimal distractions
from other students in the class.