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2017-1-TR01-KA219-046009 “EVERY STUDENT IS SPECIAL” LATVIA - RIGA 16.10.2018
Workshop. Horeotherapy lessons 2 group. Dance hall
L. Renge - transl. A. Sokols - e-book - transl.
Volunteers: Ksenija Ulitova |
Horeotherapy lessons
Responsible: Olga Gubkina - Master of Education, choreographer, champion of Latvia in sport ballroom dancing L. Renge, T. Moisejeva, Volunteers: Ksenija Ulitova, A. Sokols Choreotherapy as a subject in the Riga school "Pardaugava" Choreotherapy as a subject in the Riga school "Pardaugava" takes place as part of a program for the rehabilitation of children with musculoskeletal disorders. One hour a week, children are engaged with a professional teacher in the dance hall. Children learn to breathe and move, harmonizing body and soul. At the origins of the program was Professor ZinaidaKaswande, who introduced this course into the medical rehabilitation complex in 2002. Foreign partners took part in the master class of Olga Gubkina, asked questions, asked to share the methods of conducting classes. Choreotherapy - kinesitherapy - dancetherapy, bodily-oriented arttherapy, corrective rhythmics - therapeutic effect of movements.
Choreotherapy is a type of therapy based on the unity of movement. Various forms and means of movement change the general reactivity of the body, increase its stability, destroy pathological stereotypes that arise during the disease, and create new ones that provide the necessary adaptation. The body is a mirror of the soul "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit" ("Spiritussano in corporesano") - many people know this expression. The body is a continuation of our psyche. Usually, mental health problems begin with physical or emotional stress. All our thoughts and actions are captured in the body. Fatigue and stress gradually accumulate, due to which energy is blocked; bodily clamps arise, which inevitably leads to illness. The behavior associated with physical touches during contact is called the term - haptic. Usually, researchers distinguish between words - touch (active intentional conscious, more often hands) and contact (accidental inadvertent contact between any areas of the body). In addition, the human body has a feature: a fleeting light accidental touch can cause a disproportionately stronger effect. Therefore, the American psychologist M. Knapp conducted an experiment. When issuing students new reading tickets, the librarian touched the hands of some of them with his fingers. Otherwise, the attitude towards readers was the same. At the exit, students were asked to give a general rating on the rating scale, both to the librarian and to the library as a whole. Those who got a touch (especially girls) praised both the librarian and the library than those who did not touch. Moreover, it does not matter whether he felt a touch (i.e., sub-threshold signals are also read by the whole body). The relationship between the body and the mental state of a person has long been established, so active research in this area helps significantly expand the possibilities of psychotherapeutic treatment. Bodily-oriented therapy acts as an independent direction in psychology, while having a clear concept and a variety of practical developments. "The body remembers everything" - this is one of the laws of body-oriented psychotherapy. The body retains all the memories and emotions we experienced. Feelings and fears that a person ignores result in health problems and if you continue to ignore them, more and more such problems will be added. Each part of the body is responsible for certain human fears and depending on where unpleasant feelings occur; you can determine what a person is afraid of. Our Consciousness does not want to recognize some feelings, so they scatter around the body and settle in certain places. This mechanism in psychology has been dubbed "displacement." In the Unconscious, painful experiences, thoughts and memories, including human fears, are supplanted. To remind themselves, they are transformed into diseases, so hidden feelings try to draw attention to themselves. How to draw an individual bodily map of fears? You will need a clean sheet of paper and tools for drawing (but not pencils and handles). 1. Draw your body. 2. After closing your eyes, try to feel your body. Do you feel the tension? Are you comfortable? Do you feel warm? 3. As you continue to feel your body, ask yourself: "Where does fear live in my body?" 4. Mark the places where fear lives in the picture. There may be several such areas, somewhere the fear of a person is expressed more, somewhere less - you can express this using color. Body map of a person's fears: where the experiences hid
Bodily-oriented exercises: "PuppetsThe psychologist asks the children to imagine that they are soft rag toys that hang on threads. Children get into a circle and raise their hands. According to the psychologist's command, the following movements are sequentially performed: the hands are lowered down; bending the arms in the elbows; relax their hands and they fall down; bending the torso and lowering the head; knees are bent and squatted. (Relieving stress of body muscles, receiving positive emotions)
"Lying Eight"Children join their palms and extend their hands forward. The psychologist stands opposite the children, performs the same movements and says: "Imagine that your fingertips are connected to my invisible threads. Where my hands will move, where you will move. The psychologist begins to slowly "draw" an infinity sign with his hands connected: During the exercise, it is recommended to "draw" five such eights. In the end, the children shake their hands.
"Stork's Pose"The baby is standing right, feet in place. Lifting your hands up with your palms forward, you need to bend and inhale slowly tilt. At the same time, it is necessary to grab the legs with your hands. You need to try not to bend your legs in your knees; it would be good to get your forehead to your knees. You can breathe arbitrarily. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds, and then straighten slowly.
"Get Yourself Together"Once you felt like the baby was restless. Wants to knock someone, throw something, there is a very good way to prove your strength: grab your elbows with your hands and hold your hands strongly to your chest - this is the pose of a sustained person.
"Snowman"An adult invites children to turn into a snowman. Children raise tense hands to the sides, inflate cheeks, make a sad face and stand motionless in place. The teacher says: "So our snowman stood all winter, but spring came, sunshine warmed, and the snow began to melt." The children gradually relax, put their hands down, "batter," substitute their face for the sun and squat on the crusts Pencils" Adult. Fingers are pencils and they must be removed to the box - squeeze the cam. You need to squeeze hard or the pencils will fall. After a few seconds, the teacher offers to get pencils - to open the cam. Children move their fingers: "These are the pencils!" The child kneels; hands and hips must be placed perpendicular to the floor and perpendicular to each other. Gently raise your head, bend as much as possible in the lower back. It is necessary to hold the pose for 10-15 seconds. The breath is even, calm. Ask the child to think about something kind and joyful.
"The Pose of the Angry Cat"It is useful to alternate with the pose of a kind cat. The starting position, too. Then the child lowers his head, and smoothly bends his back up. Breathing is arbitrary. The child is asked to think about what makes him angry and angry. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds. "Get into the image": a liberated person with flattened shoulders, a high head and a free gait; to be a playing child, a cat, etc. Walk "along the toothy sands," along the swamp, along the grated slippery parquet, along the dirty road in high-heeled shoes. Imagine growing from a seedling with a bush, an opening flower. Walk in a polar explorer costume, in a working jumpsuit, in a mink manto, in an evening dress with a plume, in a swimsuit. "Motivated running or walking": against the wind, along the dew, along the swamp, over the abyss, along the gorge; hurry to work, from work, on a date, to the pool. Movement against the crowd, if we do not want to excite someone, wake up if we are angry and angry, if we go to do something unpleasant for ourselves. "Motion Dialog." For two minutes, communicate with a partner with the help of a pantomime in roles: teacher and student, parent and child, sorcerer and zombie, thief and police officer, man and woman, strength and weakness, activity and passivity, rudeness and softness, love and hatred, acceptance and rejection, upset and satisfaction, boredom and interest, etc.
"Snake"The group lines up behind the one driving in the back of the head and moves behind it, repeating all its movements; then the driver passes to the end of the line, and the participant following him becomes the driver. "Glass cobra." Participants become in the back of the head, close their eyes and feel the back of the person standing in front, trying to remember him. The host pronounces "Jin!" The "cobra" is broken and within a minute, the "fragments" roam around the room, protecting themselves with exposed palms. According to the signal of the leading "cobra" begins to fuse. Confusion". Participants take up hands, forming a chain leading it, stepping over the hands of others and entangling. The participant, who has been waiting outside the door all this time, enters and tries to unravel the chain. When he succeeds, he changes with the leading roles. "Chaotic movement." Participants are freely located in space, on command they begin to move quickly randomly, colliding with each other. Noah's Ark sets sail in five minutes. Everyone receives a card on which the name of the animal is written, which will have to be silently depicted. Someone has a card with the same name. We need to find our couple.
"Zoo".Each member of the group depicts some animal he chose in a close aviary. "Penguins". During frost, penguins, to keep warm, knock into a pile; those who find themselves from the edge are trying to squeeze deep into the pack. "Against the movement." Participants get into a circle, close their eyes, and put their hands in front of their breasts with their palms out. According to the signal of the master, each passes to the other side of the circle.
"Meeting on a narrow bridge."Squeeze towards each other through a narrow passage formed by the participants, and at the same time warm up with a partner: in a narrow door, between two puddles, on a narrow bridge. "Hemp and bulldozers." Hemp, rooted, stand intentionally. Bulldozers try to push them out of place or get off it, grabbing their hands. "Transmission in a circle" of rhythm, movement or an imaginary object: cups with wine, pipes of the world, kitten, hedgehog. "Original". Everyone passes in front of the group in a manner different from others. "Sketches with imaginary objects." Play with an imaginary ball, feel an invisible wall, open the window, find the right book inbookcase, drop your favorite cup, fire your eggs. "Open your fist." One squeezes the fist; the other without words must ensure that the fist breaks up.
"Quiet Lake"Adult. Stand up conveniently, close your eyes and listen to my voice. Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breath and your shoulder of water. The sun shines brightly, its rays warm you, and you feel better and better. You hear birds singing and grasshoppers shuffling. You arecalm. The sun shines, the air is clear and clear. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy you are lazy to move. Each cell of your body enjoys peace and s (developmental injuries, shock injuries) and post-traumatic stress disorders, depressive conditions. Bodily-oriented therapy can also be called an instrument of personal growth, which allows you to achieve more complete disclosure of personal potential, an increase in the number of ways of expressing yourself available to a person, expanding self-consciousness, communication between people and improving physical well-being. Funny warmth. You are resting... Now open your eyes. We are at school, we are well rested, you have a cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will be with you throughout the day. Methods of bodily psychotherapy are especially effective for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, neurosis, and the consequences of mental trauma